Looking for a job in Richmond, VA (Part II)

Continuing the story from part I

AWS gave me a four year offer as they do everyone. My original goal was to use the four years to:

  1. Pay off all of our debts
  2. Save money
  3. Put ourselves in a position where my wife wouldn’t have to work even if my next job was paying less.
  4. Learn what I could and improve on my weaknesses.
  5. Be able to put I worked for Amazon on my resume and make my resume more competitive.
  6. Build my network.

Notice that “sell everything we own, move to Florida and travel half the year was never one of my goals”.

I have to say that while I left a year early, all of my goals were met.

This is a tough market for people working in technology and I was worried that it would take me longer to find a job than usually did with all of the people looking for fewer roles…

To be continued…

The Digital Nomad @DigitalNomadder